handle.fi (FOREX)
Total Value Locked$431,022
  .csvArbitrum | $431.02k |
Include in TVL (optional) | |
$0 |
Protocol Information
handle.fi is a decentralised multi-currency stablecoin protocol. The handle protocol allows users to borrow, swap and leverage trade multi-currency stablecoins called fxTokens; creating a global defi FX market. handle.fi stablecoins are called fxTokens and are collateral backed representing, and soft pegged to, a range of currencies.
Category: CDP
TVL on arbitrum is sum of all collateralTokens (weth only atm) provided in vaults to mint any fxTokens on arbitrum. TVL on mainnet is given by collateral provided to Rari Fuse pools #72 and #116 against WETH, FEI, DAI, USDC, USDT, FRAX for now.
TVL Charts